
Hi, friends! We’re currently in an exciting and very busy moment for us… I just got a new job and I jumped into production for a new scripted sci-fi podcast this week. And over in Vince’s world, his brother Morey is coming out to visit this month and the whole family is planning to stay on the property for a good long while.

I’ll be working hard down here in LA while Vince, Judy and Morey live off the grid for a month or two. We don’t have anything brand-new to discuss (haven’t been up to the property since our last ep), and we don’t have a lot of time on our hands right now to research and create a whole new episode either.

So…. we thought it might be fun to pop back in time and take a listen to our very first episode. We listened to it too and responded to it afterwards.


We were curious to see how far we’ve come and how much things have changed (or stayed the same). The episode was recorded before the pandemic, which is weird. It was even before we purchased our land. We mention a few of our land parameters (10-40 acres, seasonal creek, public land adjacent, rolling terrain), some of which we scored (10 acres, rolling hills) and some of which we had to let go.

But more than that, Episode 1 was about us… who are we, what qualifies us to do this, and what exactly is it that we want to do? And those things haven’t really changed. The why of it, as they say, is still the backbone of everything we do.

We’re not 100% certain when we’ll be back, given all of the busy stuff we have going on in the next month. But we absolutely will be back. We have to tell you about our yurt (which will arrive in early May) and how our exciting month of spring blooming went. Take care of yourselves in the meantime and watch out for poison oak. 🌿❤️


Weird April


Take Me To Skool: An Interview